Following each General Assembly, all residents receive (in February or March) a flyer revealing the schedule of activities and how to join.

In this letter is attached a payment slip (BV) allowing you to pay the annual fee, depending on your situation.
Rates :
individual contribution                      Frs 30.00 / year
contribution couple or family *        Frs 40.00 / year
premium support (donation)           at will

* It mean by the term "family" all persons living in the same


Here are the details of our account (CCP):
IBAN CH55 0900 0000 1767 1336 8


If you do e-banking, PLEASE specify the purpose of your payment (contribution, donation...).

If, by fortuity, you had not received the flyer, have lost it and no longer find it or be installed in the village during the year, a simple message at
or via the contact form and we will inform you, send you a payment slip and wish you an HEARTY WELCOME !


We look forward to meet you at any of our events !